Excellent! Extraordinary ..! That is the first words out of my mouth, when people hear the work in Cruise Ships overseas. Can you imagine, you will circumnavigate the world with luxury boats and get salaries of dollars in value if you work in Indonesia, may be the same as the salary of a Manager. Very Fantastic ..? Yes. Very Fantastic.In fact, work in the cruise ship case is not easy, but it does not mean that hard-very hard.
Capital is not big enough to provide the money you begin to Rp 5 million to Rp 20 million. But, the money is not the main capital, skills, English language you are major. When you speaking fluent in English, I make sure you will received 60% work in the cruise ship. Why only 60%? 40% of the expressions? The 40% is the ability to control your expertise in the position you applied. It is easy, isn't it? When you speak fluent English and have skills and intend to circumnavigate the world and get a dollar salary, working in Cruise Ships are the answer.
Cruise Line Jobs
Visa and Work Permits
Firstly, to be able to travel abroad, you will need a valid passport. Apart from the passport, it is recommended to have other ID documents with you all the time, such as a driving license. Once you get to the ship the purser will file your passport and other documents and keep them in a safe, since you won't need them during the cruise.
Most staff on cruise ships do not come from the same country from where the ship is registered. Therefore many of them need a valid visa and/or work permit to work on a cruise ship legally.
If your ship embarks from a port in the USA or you have a stopover in one of the US ports, you will need the appropriate visa. You do not need to apply for a Green Card. All you need is your letter of employment (from your employer) and apply for C1Transit, D1 Seamen and B2 Visitor visa at the US embassy in your country. These visas allow you to enter the USA for a limited time (usually 30 days) only when your ship calls to a US port.
If you choose to stay in the USA, you will need to return to your home country to apply for the work permit - you cannot stay in the USA with C1/D1/B2 visa. Contact the US embassy in your country for more information.
If your cruise ship is registered in the UK, you will need to apply for the appropriate work permit at the British embassy in your country, unless you come from a country of the European Economic Area (EEA): Austria, Belgium, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, United Kingdom.
Nationals of 8 new member states of the European Union need to register with the Home Office (Workers Registration Scheme) if they haven't worked in the UK legally for a period of at least 12 months before. This applies to the citizens of the Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Slovakia and Slovenia.
If your ship cruises the waters under the Italian, Greek, Norwegian, German, or French flag, you need to apply for the appropriate work visa unless you are a national of one of the old EU countries. Read more about work permits and work visas in Germany, France and other countries.
Cruise ship companies are used to employing staff from all over the world. They know how to obtain necessary visas and work permits. They will assist you and guide you through the process of applying for all the work visas and permits once they give you a job offer and you accept it.
Cruise Line Jobs
Excellent…! Luar Biasa..!
Itulah kata pertama yang keluar dari mulut saya, ketika mendengar orang Indonesia bekerja di kapal pesiar / cruise ships luar negeri. Bisa Anda Bayangkan, Anda akan keliling dunia dengan kapal mewah dan mendapatkan gaji DOLAR yang nilainya bila Anda bekerja di Indonesia, mungkin sama dengan gaji
seorang Manager. Fantastic Bukan..? Ya. Sangat Fantastic.Ternyata bekerja di kapal pesiar bukanlah perkara gampang, tapi bukan berarti susah-susah amat. Modalnya tidaklah besar, Anda cukup menyediakan uang mulai Rp 5 juta sampai Rp 20 juta. Tapinya lagi, uang bukanlah modal utama, kemampuan bahasa Inggris Andalah yang utama. Bila Anda lancar cas cis cus dalam bahasa Inggris, saya pastikan 60% Anda diterima bekerja di kapal pesiar. Koq cuma 60%? Yang 40% apaan??Yang 40% adalah kemampuan Anda menguasai keahlian pada posisi yang Anda lamar.Gampang kan?? Bila Anda lancar berbahasa Inggris dan mempunyai skill serta berkeinginan keliling dunia dan mendapatkan gaji dolar, bekerja di kapal pesiar / cruise ships adalah jawabannnya.
Who Else Wants to Make Great Money & Meet Tons of New People With a Cruise Ship Employment Job?
Cruise ship employment has seen a tremendous amount of growth over the last several years. It has enabled thousands of people to trade a forty hour work week for worldwide travel and life changing experiences.
Regardless of your nationality, experience, sex, or background, the cruise ship employment industry offers the average person the employment chance of a lifetime. Where else can you get paid tax free while
visiting the Caribbean, or the Alaskan frontier?
However, it is imperative that you have an educated resource to answer your questions, give you definitive advice, and shoot you straight. In order to truly separate yourself from your competitors you need to know how to apply, when to apply, and various other aspects to help ensure your success. While there is a definite demand within cruise ship employment industry, there are also thousands of applicants. The thing that makes you stand out from a stack of resumes is vital information, which very few people have access to.
There are countless guides and agents that would lead you to believe they are the authority on the subject. However, what they lack is the actual experience of life on board a cruise ship. Do you really know what work you would be involved with? How will you pay your bills while away? What hours will you be working? Can you socialize with guests? These are just a few very important questions that you need to have answered, not by someone from behind a desk, but someone involved in the cruise ship employment industry. By someone that has successfully hired thousand of applicants personally, and know what employers are looking for. Think of how much of an advantage you would have, if you had access to a foremost expert that ran a hiring agency, and staffed several prominent cruise liners.
There are many variables that go into the entire process of employment from start to finish. If you have a better understanding of what employers are looking for, then you position yourself as a strong potential hire. Once you move forward with the process, you can establish yourself as a credible candidate during your actual interview. How will you know what to say, to enhance your chances of employment? And how should you say it? It’s rather easy once you have access to the criteria employers look for, long before you even step foot in your interview.
If the idea of making countless friends, connections, and traveling to exotic locations interests you, then you owe it to yourself to get the facts. What you leave to chance will have a great impact when you’re seeking cruise ship employment. Remember, the dream job your seeking is being sought after by thousands of others as well.
Author: mitch
Cruise Travel Insurance - A Need To Cover Your Vacation
When you are in the midst of planning your cruise travel vacation, the last thing on your mind is thinking about the possibility that you might have to cancel your plans. People often completely overlook cruise travel insurance or they simply put it on the back burner and forget about it altogether. But, if you are spending thousands of dollars for your dream cruise, then you should take the time to know what vacation coverage options are available.
When you do go out to buy travel insurance, you need to be sure that you take the time to compare the different cruise insurance policies in order to be sure you get the coverage you are expecting. As with most things, you need to take the approach of "buyer beware" and be careful not to assume anything. In other words, ask plenty of questions and get things clarified before you buy.
This word of warning should not be construed as an implication that all travel insurance companies are only after your money, with the intent of not paying if a claim is filed. The fact is that any insurance company, cruise travel insurance companies included, are governed by state and federal regulations and most are on the up and up.
But the problems arise when people try to economize and cut corners when buying it. When it comes to cruise insurance, or any kind of indemnity coverage for that matter, you can be assured that you will only get what you paid for in the end. Buying the cheapest policy you can find will make you feel that you have been ripped off if it doesn't give you the coverage you need, when it is needed.
It's easy to get either overwhelmed or simply become complacent when looking at all of the options and variables that come up when trying to secure travel insurance. When you are scrambling to make your cruise travel vacation plans and then are busy getting ready for the voyage, it is often hard to focus and sort through the different policy options. This combined with trying to go for the cheapest coverage possible can contribute to dissatisfaction when it comes time to file a claim.
Before making a final decision and buying such a policy, be sure that you know exactly what is covered and what is not. Some travel insurance companies offer Comprehensive Coverage policies that will cover just about any contingency. These are usually the more expensive because they will pay benefits under the widest set of circumstances.
Other policies for it cover a very narrow set of conditions. Because they cover fewer circumstances, they are less likely to pay for a claim and so the premiums on these policies are considerably less. But the danger here is getting a policy that is essentially worthless because the terms and conditions are so narrowly defined that you are not likely to benefit from a claim, should the need arise.
When you have put your money, your hopes and your dreams into your cruise vacation, be sure that you protect that travel investment by getting good cruise travel insurance. Spend some focused, quality time in researching your options and always read the fine print before making a final decision about coverage. Travel agents can recommend good travel insurance companies, and online travel forums can provide candid reviews and honest experiences from other travelers.